Borderlands 2 Krieg the Psycho Character Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 25.03.2013 10:22 | 10 views | 0 comments
Wielding a buzz axe and harnessing his psychotic multiple personalities, Krieg is a badass melee mauler with ranged attack capabilities that can rip foes to shreds with his deadly Buzz Axe Rampage action skill. Players can stack combat bonuses with Kriegs Bloodlust skill tree, live on the edge of insanity with the Mania tree, or engulf both enemies and yourself in flames with the Hellborn tree.
| Dungeon Defenders II Cooperative Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 23.03.2013 19:24 | 9 views | 0 comments
Get ready for more heroes, more towers and more loot PLUS an all new competitive mode.
| Dungeon Defenders II Competitive Multiplayer Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 23.03.2013 19:21 | 9 views | 0 comments
Get ready for more heroes, more towers and more loot PLUS an all new competitive mode.
| Deadpool: Reveal Trailer
Added: 21.03.2013 17:56 | 11 views | 0 comments
Checkout the reveal trailer for Deadpool to see what the game is all about.
| Transistor Reveal Trailer
Added: 21.03.2013 4:19 | 10 views | 0 comments
Discover the world of Transistor, a sci-fi-themed action RPG from the creators of Bastion.
Transistor invites...
| Secret Ponchos Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 19.03.2013 10:40 | 9 views | 0 comments
In Lonetree - a cutthroat town full of outlaws and bounty hunters - everyone is gunning for your head. Create your outlaw and engage in multiplayer duels to determine who lives, who dies, and who becomes a legend. Coming to a console near you in 2013.
| Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 15.03.2013 12:15 | 30 views | 0 comments
Meet the legendary outlaws Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, Jesse James... Face down the West's most notorious gunslingers and live the untold stories behind the legends.
Tags: Trailer, Cave, Fate, Juarez, Gunslinger, Juarez Gunslinger, Reveal, Mega, Billy, Reveal Trailer, James
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